onsdag 16 juli 2008

Yes, I DID IT :)

After tomorrow I have one more week left of school! Do I need to say I can't
wait to have some time off?? It'll be so much fun to see you all in Sweden,
and I cant wait to eat falukorv! Crazy how something so boring becomes so AWESOME
when you can't have it. Falukorv rules!!!!
I'm soooo looking forward to the "surprise" cruise with Vincent, Jonathan and Christopher. It's so adorable how Christopher can't keep surprises, I actually think we might have that in common :)

Oh, I did my business presentation today.... I ACED IT!!!
It wasn't so scary after all.
Most likely, it was scary as hell. I just didn't realize it because I was still up on that cloud after reading your emails Ba'Bay!!!

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Det var bättre för, när man fattade vad du skrev! :) Hahaha, en engelskakurs kanske vore nåt, kom hem och lär oss obildade svenskar! ;)

Chris sa...

very very well done, honey!!!

You are fabolous!!!!

Skönt att höra att du fått mail!!!

Ses snart! Puss

Anonym sa...

En MYCKET cool sak hände idag, en sån där "nästan-kissa-på-sig-upplevelse" :):) Snart blir det bloggiblogg om det hela, men jag kan ju inte logga in from work så... satana! Semester om 5 timmar, då korkar vi upp!! (du kan vänta dig några fler bloggkommentarer då, som sist! Rock ån!) /Lindgren

Josie1 sa...

måste ju säga att namnen på dessa tre killar e liiiite roliga, vincent och christopher mohahaha